Sistemi Audio
Dolby Atmos, Barco Auro 11.1, QSC, JBL and MAG Loudspeakers, Sound Processors, Amplifiers, Accessibility and Audio...

Sistemi di Proiezione
Barco, NEC and GDC Projectors, Servers, Consumables, Screens, 3D systems & Proyecson...

Sphera - Real-Time Ambient LED Lights
Sphera offre agli esercenti il meglio della proiezione, dell’immagine, del suono, del comfort e del design per una perfetta esperienza a tutto tondo.

Fit-Out & Seats
Digital Signage, Seating, Lighting, Screen Structures, Carpeting and Acoustic Treatment

CinemaNext TMS brings the most recent technology innovations to your cinema
It's not only TMS. It's much more.